My favorite day of my SL week is her again! 50L FRIDAY!! get some great deals from some amazing designers, you would be mad to miss out
so whats on offer this week...
This Tulip Dress in black from So Many Syles, crowned with the beautiful hair from Clawtooth called The Seas Met in the shade Blinding
then we have the fabulous Simple Cropped Bustier form Whippet & Buck in 7 cute colors
also worn is the Clawtooth hair in AutumnMix. the beautiful flowers are from ::SPLIT PEA::
This cute summerey dress from Doppelganger Inc
This piggy plug ears are from AITUI. they come with a HUD to match your skin tone and change the color of the pig, and yes my skin matching fails!!!
Then we have a fantastic gift from Magika! a full fatpack of Morning Hair, I have shown you just a few of the awesome colors in the pack of over 30 colors, wont be stuck for an awesome style!!
Lastly a non- 50l Friday Item these 2 HAWT dresses are Midnight Mania giftys from OoEas! just had to show ya, cos I love them
All the poses used are from Long Awkward Pose also a 50l Friday Item
The skin I used in all pictures is the Sayuri gift from Tuli, still in group notices but not sure for how much longer
Thanks for stopping by loves Darky
Party People
12 hours ago