Yeah, weird title i know, was trying to think of a title to bring all items together!! yeah well I failed! anyway as you can or cant tell, i have some cute girly looks for ye!! this is the cute & Girly bit...
1st up, Swayland , a new shopping district SIM has opened up, and so the gifts come a pouring in
Teleport to SwayLand The blue dress is from SHIKI, its a group gift, so join and click the poster in store, there is also a male version, the cute lilac dress is a Lucky Board prize from S@BBiA, shoes are throughout the post are from Vignette, all items in this store are free, gotta check it out, skin is Bunny by TIK TOK, Group Gift!! 2 versions in this box, a normal and a teethy version, Hair is by JunWave, free, 3 colors!
Teleport to SHIKITeleport to S@BBiATeleport to VignetteTeleport to TIK TOKTeleport to JunWavealso past of the swayland freebies is this cute yellow Dress is from L`Abel, totally free in store, there is also cute tops with teddy bears on them, worn in second look!
the skirt is a group gift from SMS, join group and check notices, hair is from CriCri, free in store, so many option with theres hairs, love em! shoes as before, skin is another freebie from TIK TOK
Teleport to L'AbelTeleport to SMSTeleport to CriCriOkay so now on to the avatar bit!!as you know the awesome movie Avatar came out earlier tis year, I saw in in 3D, and i loved every minute of it. the story kinda spoke to me, as what we do on SL is not to far away from the movie, I mean we have our little avatar on screen , we control her, dress her, ect.. anyway never mind my ramblin..on to the look
This amazing Avatar is by Unique, you get the skin, shape, ears, tail, eyes, and brow base all for FREE!! OMG! it is so fantastic. the hair is native by DarkerSide(50l), The silks and bow are finds on XstreetSL, free also.
Teleport to UniqueTeleport to DarkerSideLink to Bow on XstreetLink to Silks on XstreetAnd Finally todays item from Second Stle Island!!
This so cute garden set, includes all you see, the cahir has cute sit annimations and it is completely free, join group and touch the box on the floor!
Outfit is another Xstreet Find as are the sneakers, hair is by Govil a new hairstore, it there opening gift, there is tons of free stuff here so check it out
Teleport to Second Style islandTeleport to GovilLink to OutfitLink to SneakersThanks For Stopping By, Love Darky