when I hear orange my gothy brain goes straight to Halloween! and pumpkins!!
so I did a halloween look, yeah I know its January, but its halloween everyday for me!! lol
Makeup -Eyes -Metal Glitters & DarkerSide - Girl Of Woe DarkerSide
TP over to Darkerside to get yours -----> TAXI, This is my store and im only starting so all the help is welcome
Hair - . Doe . Lantern . Flux . - Tinted Orange
Dress - Meva Amaris Dress
Boots - DIRTY PRINCESS- Magical Princess Boots w/Hud 17 Colors
Socks - uh-oh: Nori Striped Socks - Color Pack 1
So there we are, week 5 done.Cant wait to see all your look.
have a great day
Darki B